Professional heating service providers frequently offer 24-hour repairs for many types of heating equipment. They provide timely repairs, comprehensive inspections, and diagnosis. Here is what different smells tell you about furnace repair:
Burning Smell
A burning odor from a furnace stems from the combustion of gathered dust. Obstructed vents and dirty filters intensify this smell. When filters become clogged, they block airflow, leading to furnace overheating and the associated odor. During repair, your technician will clean the system to eliminate debris and replace old filters to improve air circulation.
Burning Plastic Smell
Foreign plastic objects may create a strong burning smell in your furnace. Plastic materials melt when they contact with hot surfaces in the heating system. As they melt, they produce fumes that you can smell throughout your home.
When the blower motor overheats, a burning plastic smell can also result. Technicians perform regular maintenance to try to resolve furnace overheating issues. They clean up debris buildup in the blower motor that can cause overheating. Professional inspections also help detect malfunctioning components and perform timely repairs.
Rotten Egg Smell
A rotten egg smell from your furnace can indicate a natural gas leak. The mercaptan added to natural gas gives it a sulfur-like smell. During furnace repair, technicians inspect the gas line, heat exchanger, and burner assembly to allow them to determine the source of the odor. They check for cracks, corrosion, loose connections, and debris buildup. A dirty drain pan accumulates condensation that fosters bacterial growth, which also produces sulfur odors. The technicians replace damaged burner components and heat exchangers to eliminate the smell.
Musty Odor
Excessive mold and mildew growth may result in a musty odor. The smell arises when damp air settles in the ducts and air handler. If the furnace dries out soon after it runs, the smell should be mild. For persistent mold issues, many technicians offer thorough cleaning of furnaces and ductwork. They use specialized equipment to remove mold and debris from the evaporator coil.
Chemical Smell
A crack in the heat exchanger causes a chemical smell similar to formaldehyde, while sewer leaks or a dry sewage trap can cause your furnace to smell of waste. Metallic odors indicate the presence of burning wires inside the furnace, as overheated electrical components and insulation emit a burning chemical smell. Technicians shut down the system when examining it for electrical issues. After furnace repairs, they monitor the system to keep it performing optimally and install carbon monoxide detectors to alert you of dangerous gas levels.
Burning Hair Smell
A smell like burning hair indicates a build-up of pet hair, fur, and dander. When the furnace operates, organic materials can burn off due to high temperatures, producing a distinct odor similar to burning hair. Overheating from debris build-up and restricted airflow can also reduce your heating system’s efficiency. To avoid the furnace exhaust emitting a noticeable smell, technicians conduct regular vent cleanings.
Learn More About Furnace Repair
Technicians provide regular gas furnace maintenance to keep your furnace safe and working efficiently. They may resolve faulty ignitions, clogged burners, and other mechanisms that compromise performance and cause odors. Contact a reputable furnace repair technician today to learn more about their furnace services.