Pollution, poor soil salinity, and extreme weather conditions can have an adverse effect on your trees. Tree services often implement various strategies, such as installing the appropriate drainage systems, using appropriate pesticides, and adding fertilizers to improve the health of your plants. Here are four tree stressors and how tree services can help tackle them:
Prolonged water scarcity and high evaporation rates can reduce plant growth rates. Drought also causes low soil moisture and may deplete groundwater reserves. This could make it difficult to irrigate your plans, especially if your system relies on frequent rainfall patterns. Other effects of droughts include compact soil structures that cause trees to have shallow root systems and stunted growth for plants with high water demands.
Plant health experts may introduce efficient irrigation to combat the effects of drought. They also help you install a water harvesting system and provide soil moisture monitoring tools. If the amount of available water can’t increase, these experts could help you introduce drought-resistant plant varieties. You may also learn how to mulch for moisturization and improved watershed management. Other strategies they might use are constructing water reserves and terracing your garden to reduce runoff.
Invasive pest species can have a devastating effect on trees with little resistance to the attacking bugs. Pest problems often occur due to low monitoring and a lack of biological controls. Changes in climate variability and the absence of crop rotation impact the likelihood of the pest problem occurring. Tree experts should use biological pest control and intercropping to get rid of pests. They might advise you to add certain pest-repellant plants and introduce natural predators, such as ladybugs. By implementing integrated pest management solutions and adopting systems of plant varieties, the problem of pests could be tackled comprehensively. These experts also use organic pesticides and show you how to maintain proper drainage to eliminate some types of pests. Installing physical pest barriers and building pest-free seed banks may also help.
Fungal pathogen infections, together with contaminated irrigation water, could affect the health of your plants. There may also be occasional bacterial wilt outbreaks due to an overcrowded planting arrangement. Some plants have weaker resistance, which makes them susceptible to some soil-borne diseases and fungi. Overusing synthetic fertilizers could also increase the spread of diseases. Improper pruning techniques and inadequate water drainage systems can also increase your plant’s disease risk.
Plant services can apply biological fungicides or remove infected plants to stop the spread of diseases. They may advise you on how to maintain proper plant spacing and how to prune infected branches to improve the health of your plants. Tree services also include regularly testing the soil for pathogens and installing insect-proof nets to protect your plants.
Nutrients Deficiency
Depletion of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil can stunt the growth of your trees. This is often caused by excessive soil erosion or overplanting. Unbalanced fertilizer use and poor water quality could also lead to nutrient deficiency. Your trees may also suffer from nutrient deficiency if you overuse chemical fertilizers, particularly in extremely alkaline or acidic soils. Tree professionals can recommend the correct fertilizers to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. They also add micronutrient supplements and use drip irrigation to deliver nutrients to the plants.
Using Tree Services
Tree service providers can insulate roots and prune your trees if the soil has insufficient water. They could also recommend the appropriate plant species that are compatible with the climate and type of soil on your property. Contact a provider of tree services to learn more about how you can care for your outdoor plants.