Demon Girl Names: Perfect for Your Dark Fantasy


Demon Girl Names

Demon girl names are unique and dark names often inspired by mythology, folklore, and fantasy. These names are associated with powerful, mysterious, and sometimes sinister female figures. They add an intriguing element to stories, games, or creative projects.

If you’re drawn to the allure of the dark and mysterious, these names might be just what you’re looking for. They carry an air of danger and intrigue that can captivate any audience. Imagine giving your characters names that instantly evoke a sense of power and mystery.

Demon Girl Names: Perfect for Your Dark Fantasy is about finding the ideal name for your dark fantasy world. These names can bring depth and complexity to your characters, making them unforgettable. Whether you’re writing a story, creating a game, or just exploring ideas, these names will inspire your creativity.

Female Demon Names With Meanings


Asmodea is a powerful female demon in dark mythology. She is often linked to desire and temptation. Her name comes from ancient stories where she ruled over lust and chaos. Asmodea is a strong and mysterious figure, feared by many. In dark fantasy, she represents dangerous beauty and is a popular choice for characters needing a sinister edge.


Abaddon is a powerful figure from dark mythology. He is known as the destroyer and ruler of the abyss. Abaddon leads armies of demons and is linked to destruction and chaos. In stories and legends, his name often represents ultimate power and fear. He is a key character in many dark tales.


Agaliarept is a demon known for his role as a powerful commander. He serves under Lucifer, leading legions of spirits. Agaliarept is associated with secrets and hidden knowledge. In dark tales, he represents cunning and intelligence, making him a key figure in demonology.


Beliala is a female demon known for her beauty and deceit. She often tempts people into making bad choices. In dark folklore, Beliala represents corruption and manipulation, making her a feared and powerful figure.


Belphegora is a demon associated with sloth and laziness. He tempts people to waste time and avoid work. In mythology, Belphegora appears as a figure who encourages greed and selfish desires, making him a symbol of corruption and idleness.


Carriaxa is a demon known for her role in darkness and chaos. She is often depicted as a seductive and dangerous figure. In mythology, Carriaxa represents evil temptations and destruction, making her a fearsome presence in dark tales.


Dantalia is a demon who controls knowledge and secrets. She is known for her ability to reveal hidden truths. In dark mythology, Dantalia is often seen as a powerful figure who influences learning and hidden wisdom.


Gorgona is a demon linked to fear and terror. She is often shown with a frightening appearance, capable of instilling great dread. In mythos, Gorgona represents the power of intimidation and is a symbol of dark and menacing forces.


Hecate is a powerful goddess from ancient mythology. She is known for her connection to magic and the underworld. Hecate is often seen as a guardian of crossroads and secrets. She represents the mystical and dark aspects of life.


Lilith is a demon known for her role in ancient myths. She is often depicted as a fierce and independent figure. Lilith represents rebellion and is sometimes linked to night and dark magic. She is a powerful and mysterious character.


Lamia is a demon from ancient legends. She is often shown as a monster with a half-human, half-serpent form. Lamia is known for her ability to lure and devour victims, representing danger and deceit in mythology.


Lilim are demons from ancient mythology. They are often depicted as dark, seductive spirits. Lilim are believed to tempt and control humans, especially in dreams. They symbolize temptation and danger, adding a dark element to mythological stories.


Morrigan is a powerful goddess from Celtic mythology. She is associated with war and fate. Morrigan is often seen as a shape-shifter, sometimes appearing as a crow. She represents both battle and prophecy, making her a significant and fearsome figure.


Malphasia is a demon known for her role in spreading chaos. She is often linked to misfortune and darkness. In tradition, Malphasia is feared for her ability to cause trouble and distress. She represents the darker side of supernatural forces.


Maraxa is a demon known for her role in causing confusion and chaos. She often appears as a dark and menacing figure. In myths, Maraxa is feared for her ability to disrupt and unsettle those she encounters.


Naamah is a demon known for her role in temptation and seduction. She is often depicted as a beautiful but dangerous figure. In mythology, Naamah represents allure and corruption, making her a significant and feared character in dark stories.


Rosier is a demon associated with chaos and destruction. He is often depicted as a fearsome figure who causes turmoil. In legends, Rosier represents the power of disruption and is known for his influence over dark forces.


Sallosa is a demon known for her role in spreading deceit and confusion. She is often portrayed as a cunning and manipulative figure. In myths, Sallosa represents the darker side of trickery and is feared for her deceptive powers.


Veparis is a demon known for her association with storms and sea chaos. She is often depicted as a powerful and menacing figure. In mythology, Veparis represents the destructive force of nature and is feared for her control over turbulent waters.


Veparis is a demon known for her connection to the sea and storms. She is often shown as a fierce and commanding figure. In myths, Veparis controls water and weather, symbolizing chaos and destruction from the ocean.

Female Devil Names


Female devil names are names associated with powerful, sinister female figures in mythology and folklore. These names often represent demons or evil spirits with distinct traits and roles in dark stories.


Abere is a demon known for her role in dark folklore. She is often associated with misfortune and suffering. In legends, Abere brings harm and chaos, making her a feared figure in stories of supernatural danger and evil.


Achlys is a goddess of misery and sadness from ancient myths. She is known for her association with suffering and darkness. Achlys represents the embodiment of despair and is feared for her influence over grief and sorrow.


Aswang is a demon from Filipino folklore known for its shape-shifting abilities. It can appear as a woman by day and transform into a monster at night. Aswang preys on humans, causing fear and terror in local legends.


A Banshee is a spirit from Irish folklore known for her wailing cry. She is believed to foretell death or disaster. Banshees are often seen as ghostly women who signal bad news with their mournful screams.


Batibat is a demon from Filipino folklore known for causing nightmares. She is often depicted as a large, female spirit who sits on people while they sleep, making them feel suffocated and bringing disturbing dreams. Batibat symbolizes fear and sleep disturbances.


Bukavac is a monster from Balkan folklore. It is known for its large, frog-like body and many legs. Bukavac lives in swamps and is feared for its ability to attack people who come near its territory.


Chamunda is a fierce goddess from Hindu mythology. She is known for her powerful, destructive nature. Chamunda is often depicted with a frightening appearance and is worshipped for her ability to destroy evil forces and protect devotees from danger.

Chesma Iyesi

Chesma Iyesi is a supernatural being from Yoruba folklore. She is known as a ghostly spirit who causes harm and mischief. Chesma Iyesi is feared for her ability to bring illness and confusion to those who encounter her.

Dames Blanches

Dames Blanches are ghostly figures from French folklore. They are known as “White Ladies” who appear dressed in white. Dames Blanches are believed to haunt places like forests or roads, often causing fear and misfortune to those who see them.


A Drude is a spirit from German folklore. It is known for its malevolent nature, often causing nightmares and sleep disturbances. Drudes are believed to sit on people while they sleep, bringing bad dreams and discomfort.


Empusa is a creature from Greek mythology. It is known for its scary appearance and ability to change shape. Empusa often appears as a beautiful woman to lure victims, then turns frightening to attack and feed on their blood.


Futakuchi-onna is a ghostly figure from Japanese folklore. She is known for having a second mouth on the back of her head. This mouth can eat food and cause trouble, making her a feared and mysterious spirit.


Gello is a ghost from Greek mythology. She is often depicted as a terrifying female spirit. Gello is known for causing illness and death, especially in children. Her presence is linked to harmful and malevolent actions.


Harpies are creatures from Greek mythology. They have the body of a bird and the face of a woman. Harpies are known for stealing things and causing trouble. They often appear as fierce and unpleasant beings.


Jahi is a demon from Persian folklore. She is often described as a powerful and malevolent spirit. Jahi is known for her role in causing harm and chaos. Her presence is feared in many ancient stories.


Jikininki is a Japanese ghost known for eating human flesh. This spirit is usually seen as a terrifying, ghastly figure. Jikininki is often depicted as a hungry, wandering demon. It is feared in Japanese folklore for its gruesome nature.


Kulshedra is a dragon-like demon from Albanian folklore. It is known for its power and fearsome presence. Kulshedra is said to bring destruction and chaos. It often appears as a large, fierce creature with multiple heads.

La Llorona

La Llorona is a famous ghost from Latin American folklore. She is known as “The Weeping Woman.” La Llorona is said to wander near water, crying for her lost children. She represents sorrow and tragic loss in many stories.


Mahishi is a powerful demoness in Hindu mythology. She is known for her shape-shifting abilities and fierce nature. Mahishi was defeated by the goddess Durga. This victory symbolizes the triumph of good over evil in many stories.


Nocnitsa is a Slavic demon associated with nightmares. She is believed to visit people at night and cause terrifying dreams. Nocnitsa is part of folklore that explains bad dreams and disturbances during sleep. She is known for her frightening presence.

Demon Names For Girls

Demon Names For Girls

Demon names for girls often evoke dark and powerful imagery, reflecting mythical or supernatural qualities. These names are used in fantasy stories and folklore to represent female entities with mystical or sinister attributes.


Agash is a demon known for its fearsome traits in various mythologies. It is often depicted as a powerful and malevolent entity. Agash is associated with dark forces and is mentioned in stories involving supernatural beings.


Alabasandria is a demon from folklore, known for its sinister nature. It often appears as a menacing figure with dark powers. Alabasandria is associated with causing fear and chaos. This demon features in many traditional tales of dark entities.


Bushyasta is a demon known for bringing illness and misfortune. In folklore, it is said to spread disease and create chaos. Bushyasta is often depicted as a dark and fearsome entity with harmful powers.


Bathintha is a demon from mythology known for causing trouble and fear. It is said to bring misfortune to those who encounter it. Bathintha is often described as a powerful and menacing figure in ancient stories.


Durukti is a figure from Hindu mythology. She represents slander and lies. Durukti is often associated with negativity and deceit. In stories, she causes problems by spreading falsehoods, leading to conflict and misunderstanding among people.


The Kumiho is a creature from Korean folklore. It is a fox that can transform into a beautiful woman. The Kumiho is often known for tricking people, sometimes causing harm. Stories about the Kumiho teach lessons about trust and deception.

La Cegua

La Cegua is a ghostly figure from Central American folklore. She appears as a beautiful woman but has the face of a horse. La Cegua often tricks men who are unfaithful or disrespectful. Her story warns about the consequences of bad behavior.


Mormo is a creature from Greek mythology. She was a companion of the goddess Hecate and would scare children who misbehaved. Mormo’s story was often used to encourage good behavior in young children by warning them of her presence.


Nocnitsa is a spirit from Slavic folklore. She is known as the “Night Hag” and visits children at night, causing bad dreams. People used to protect their children by placing a knife or a broom under the bed to keep her away.


Putna is a protective spirit in Romanian folklore. She guards homes and families from evil forces. People believe that Putna watches over them at night, ensuring safety and peace. Families often tell stories about her to feel secure and protected.


Qin was the first emperor of China. He united the country and built the Great Wall to protect it. Qin standardized laws, money, and writing. His tomb, guarded by terracotta soldiers, is one of the most famous in history.


Rangda is a powerful figure in Balinese mythology. She is a fearsome demon queen who leads an army of evil spirits. Rangda represents chaos and destruction, often appearing in traditional dances. She battles Barong, a symbol of good, in these performances.


Shirina is a mythical figure known in legend. She is often described as a beautiful but mysterious spirit. Shirina can be both kind and mischievous, depending on how she is treated. Her stories are shared to teach respect and kindness.


A succubus is a mythical female demon from myth. She is said to visit people in their dreams. The succubus tries to tempt or seduce them. Stories about her often focus on her supernatural charm and danger.


Tarika is a demon in some traditions. She is known for her dark powers and fearsome appearance. Stories often depict her as a dangerous figure who uses her abilities to cause trouble. Tarika’s presence is always linked with fear and mystery.


Tsonokwa is a giantess from Native American mythology, particularly among the Kwakwaka’wakw people. She is known for her fearsome appearance and her role in frightening and punishing people. Tsonokwa is often depicted with a mouth on top of her head.


Ubume is a ghost from Japanese folklore. She appears as a woman who died during childbirth. Ubume is known to haunt places and may carry a baby. She is often seen near hospitals or places associated with childbirth.


Xtabay is a spirit from Mayan mythology. She appears as a beautiful woman. Xtabay lures men with her charm. She often appears in the forest or near water. She represents danger and temptation.


Yachemi is a spirit in Bolivian folklore. She is known as the spirit of the mountain. Yachemi protects nature and its animals. People respect her and offer gifts. She symbolizes the connection between humans and the earth. Her presence brings balance.


Zahreil is a figure in mythology. He is known for his role as a guardian. Zahreil watches over sacred places. He helps protect against evil. People believe he brings safety and peace. His presence is respected and valued.


Choosing the right name for a demon girl can be exciting. Names like Lilith, Succubus, and Harpies add a unique touch to any dark fantasy story. These names often have a strong and mysterious feel. They help bring characters to life with a special edge.

Demon girl names are perfect for your dark fantasy tales. They can create a memorable impression and add depth to your story. Names like Zahreil and Yachemi can give characters a powerful presence. Finding the right name helps make your fantasy world even more captivating and engaging.

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